
Focused thinking is what we need to reach what we want

  • On the past few days, I was reading on how to focus our thinking to get what we need… it shows that, we need to know how to train our mind to be successful as well as productive…

  • Actually, there are lots of related questions to this subject accompanied by various types of answers… and if you just do some clicks on the internet, you would surely come up with hundreds and thousands of articles talk about the focused thinking which is considered to be the originality of all types of motivation… the same thing goes if you step up in a library or in any book shop and go to the motivational shelves, you will be amazed on the number of books published on such areas…

  • Such publications do actually talk about the same thing of “how and what to do” to be motivated and get our mind focused… I myself have read different types of sources related to motivation and yet I couldn’t get what I need… I have read about motivations again and again and again, but I couldn’t get what I want…

  • However, on last few days I was flipping few pages on motivation where I come across a line written by John Assaraf , “ focused thinking is what it takes to truly get what we want”. Such a line has actually done some clicks on my mind and realized that, the power to act lies within us! We are the one who have to turn the idea onto the action…

  • It shows that we do have the ability to turn the idea into the action and start moving positively in our life…
if you have any comments or ideas you want to share, you are most welcome to share it with me...

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How to act confidently?

1. A confident career builder is the one who never pessimist himself…

2. A confident career builder should try to never let himself down and try to think positively…

3. a confident career builder is the one who blocks his ears from others’ criticisms… even though, paying attentions to others’ views seem to be important as it helps us to improve ourselves, but sometimes such views tend to present otherwise! That is why we should try to be careful and listen only to the views that deserve our attentions… it seems to be a bit hard, but we have to try as there is nothing to be lost with trying! I myself have to keep on trying this method as I always lose my control and get upset if I happened to receive negative messages that aim to destroy my attention as well as confidence…

4. A successful career builder is the one who uses his facial expressions regularly, such as; smiles, eye contact, walking with confidence, speaking carefully and paying attentions to others…

5. A confident career builder never get himself to worry over others’ disapprovals… it seems the majority of the people get worried and lack lots of confidence at this point because we always get worried over how others judge us during conducting presentations, seminars, etc… according to what the experts have said; we as a presenters lose our confidence during presentations, talks, etc because we get scared of what others think of our performances! BUT, others never think the same way because they are afraid of how WE are going to judge them when their turns come! Hence, we should try to get rid of such myths and try to focus on our own action instead…

6. A confident career builder should try to fight fears, and build a strong personality that is protected from others’ poison thoughts and weapons! Such weapons are always presented in their negative messages…

7. A successful career builder should be free to take new challenges, able to present his thoughts publicly, fight fears and able to hide his nervousness…

8. Last but not least, a successful career builder always gets back to his counselor, a trusted friend or a family member to help him out…

The above elements are formed from my own experience as well as others’ points of view…besides, if you have any comments or ideas you want to share; please don’t hesitate to share it with me…


Building your self-esteem

Building self-esteem is considered to be an essential step in the career world! But such a confidence might not always be available to every personality due to particular situations… so, the following are some steps which would definitely help in rebuilding our self confidence…I myself believe on the below items and hoping you too will have the same attraction…

1. A successful career builder shouldn’t put high expectations on themselves, because under any unexpected events you might not reach the particular step! I’m not trying to underestimate your ability and your powerful mind… I’m only trying to picture the otherwise of the situation… I know lots of people who dreamed for reaching particular positions and they were full of confidence and energy, but something unexpected happened and has changed their dreaming span and became very upset… so, try to be wise and reach for what you can expect…never jump to the end with one step! You have gotten to train your mind to think clearly as well as positively…

2. Try to be friend with colleagues whom are full of confidence and who can teach you to become a successful career builder that is rich with self-esteem…

3. Never think that you are alone in this world and has got to handle everything alone... a successful career builder admits when he or she have reaches their limits and never says “yes” if has gotten the right to say “no”… a successful career builder doesn’t have confusing rejections…

4. A successful career builder should not hide his or her success… it is wonderful to acknowledge them as it increases the temptation of working plus it helps very much in building self-confidence… so, a successful career builder should celebrate every successful step and let others realize his or her achievements…

If you have any comments or ideas you want to share; please don't hesitate to share it with me...